Guide Dogs Australia: Freddy
In honour of Ritchies CEO Mr Fred Harrison, Guide Dog Puppy ‘Freddy' was named. After his 12 months of puppy raising he came into Guide Dogs Victoria Kew Campus for his initial assessment. Freddy passed and spent five months in intensive training.
Freddy graduated as a fully-fledged Guide Dog, which is a wonderful success story. This could not have been achieved without Ritchies support.
Freddy was an exceptional Guide Dog and was carefully chosen by the Guide Dog Manager to further his ‘career' with our sister school in Japan - The Guide Dog and Service Dogs Association of Japan (GD&SDAJ). Guide Dogs Victoria has an excellent relationship with GD&SDAJ and has been supplying trained and untrained dogs to them for many years.
Freddy was matched with a vision impaired person, enabling them to become independent by providing mobility and freedom many of us take for granted. It is expected Freddy will continue to be the guiding eyes for this person for many years to come.